Friday, February 24, 2012

On 7-day, and traheoskopiya ezofahoskopa

Sam. No progression was pnevmomediastinuma

mark and mild pneumothorax developed on the right half of a bunch of cells >>. Fecal examination << using qualitative and zinc sulfate flotation

and Baerman technique, it was in the

ease as a result pnevmomediastinuma. These tests were negative

. On 7-day, and traheoskopiya ezofahoskopa

were performed under general anesthesia. There were no violations

displays. To further explore the possibility

astinum and SC emphysema, surveillance and armor-tracheogram

. iodine-containing water-soluble contrast agents were used

and the patient was returned to contrast media

to completely cover the large airways. No tracheal or bronchial

defects were obvious. The search operation was performed on 8-day, because there >> << obvious reasons for pnevmomediastinuma was found, and

SC emphysema worse. Under general anesthesia-

SIA, the patient was placed in the supine position back, and

cervical region was considered first. After selection in May-

Chea, the neck was filled with warm, sterile saline >> << and ventilation with positive pressure was performed

investigate any leakage of air from the trachea.

foods to strengthen the immune system
No defects were found in

in the cervical trachea. Esophageal visual

ally check, and no defects were found. Average

sternotomy was then performed, because no source of air leakage, age

found. Right middle lasix prescritpion lobe lung

probably be emphysema, with blisters on the surface. Thoracic >> << cavity filled with warm, sterile saline and further >> << air leakage. As emphysema of the right middle

astinum and SC emphysema, lobectomy in full >> << right lobe lung average was performed. Regional lymph nodes

biopsy was performed. Lung tissue and lymph nodes

, and histopathological evaluation. Before closing

sternotomy site, chest cavity was filled with warm,

sterile saline and ventilation with positive pressure was on

formed to confirm the absence of air leakage from the lobectomy site. remove the air in the pleural cavity after surgery. next 6 days. A small amount of air and 65 ml tube

myy in the first 24 hours after surgery. Day 7 >> << reduced to 2. 2 ml / kg body weight, which was

amount expected from the presence of the tube. Thoracostomy

tube was removed after 8 days after surgery. No functions

happened. gies [3]. Congestion, mild pulmonary edema, and

mixed cellular, interstitial pneumonia with fibrosis were

revealed. The presence of normal lung parenchy-

small structures on the normal distribution / orientation

these structures, and lack of obvious hypoplastic or

sexual condition. Histopathological evaluation of lymph nodes >> << showed moderate reactive hyperplasia. Bacterial >> << 122 Journal of the American Association of Animal Hospitals March / April 2002, Vol. 38

homogeneous (SC) emphysema. Mediastinum structures such as esophagus

, main branches of the aortic arch and trachea

displays indicating pnevmomediastinuma. Gas in

SC fascial planes indicates SC emphysema. Figure 1 shows pnevmomediastinuma. .

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